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IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2

IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2:2015
Explosive atmospheres - Part 30-2: Electrical resistance trace heating - Application guide for design, installation and maintenance
IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2:2015 provides guidance for the application of electrical resistance trace heating systems in areas where explosive atmospheres may be present, with the exclusion of those classified as requiring EPL Ga/Da (traditional relationship to Zone 0 and Zone 20 respectively). This standard also provides guidance for explosive atmospheres incorporating the Division method of area classification that may be applied by some users of this standard. It provides recommendations for the design, installation, maintenance and repair of trace heating systems including associated control and monitoring equipment. It does not cover devices that operate by induction heating, skin effect heating or direct pipeline heating, nor those intended for stress relieving. This first edition of IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2 cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 60079-30-2 published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant changes, apart from a general review and updating of the first edition of IEC 60079-30-2, harmonization with IEEE Std.515, with respect to the previous edition:
- the relocation of trace heater product design methodology and requirements to IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1;
- the relocation and/or duplication of information on installation, maintenance, and repair to the MTs under SC31J for their addition into IEC 60079-14, IEC 60079-17, and IEC 60079-19;
- the inclusion of more detailed information on safety showers and eyewash units;
- the introduction of Annexes from IEEE Std. 515. Please refer to the Foreword of the document for the significance of changes between IEC 60079-30-2, Edition 1.0 (2007) and IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2, Edition 1.0 (2014). Keywords: electrical resistance trace heating systems, Division method of area classification

Technical committee

TC 31 Equipment for explosive atmospheres
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2015-09-28


Stability date2025
ISBN number9782832252000
File size2.06 MB
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