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IEC 60512-99-001

IEC 60512-99-001:2012
Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 99-001: Test schedule for engaging and separating connectors under electrical load - Test 99a: Connectors used in twisted pair communication cabling with remote power
IEC 60512-99-001:2012 used for the assessment of connectors within the scope of SC 48B that are used in twisted pair communication cabling with remote power, such as ISO/IEC 11801 Class D, or better, balanced cabling in support of IEEE Std 802.3at - 2009 (latest edition (PoE Plus - Power over Ethernet Plus). The object of this standard is to detail a test schedule to determine the ability of connectors to withstand a minimal number of engagements and separations when an electrical current is being passed through the connector in accordance with IEC 60512-9-3. Keywords: connectors, engaging and separating connectors

Technical committee

TC 48/SC 48B Electrical connectors
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2012-08-13


Stability date2026
ISBN number9782889120000
File size897.78 KB
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