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IEC Technical Specification 62600-102

IEC TS 62600-102:2016
Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 102: Wave energy converter power performance assessment at a second location using measured assessment data
IEC TS 62600-102:2016(E) describes the required methods and the required conditions to determine the power performance of the Wave Energy Converter 2 (WEC 2) in Location 2, possibly at a different scale and with configuration changes to accommodate the new site conditions, in all cases based on measured power performance of WEC 1 in Location 1. This technical specification allows for assessment at Location 1 or Location 2 based on limited/incomplete data material, as long as this is accompanied by a validated numerical model or physical model and assessment of the uncertainty involved. Another key element is transparency in the assessment.

Technical committee

TC 114 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters
Publication typeTechnical Specification
Publication date2016-08-09


Stability date2024
ISBN number9782832235300
File size2.42 MB
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