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IEC 61340-4-7

IEC 61340-4-7:2017
Electrostatics - Part 4-7: Standard test methods for specific applications - Ionization
IEC 61340-4-7:2017 provides test methods and procedures for evaluating and selecting air ionization equipment and systems (ionizers).
This document establishes measurement techniques, under specified conditions, to determine offset voltage (ion balance) and decay (charge neutralization) time for ionizers. This document does not include measurements of electromagnetic interference (EMI), or the use of ionizers in connection with ordnance, flammables, explosive items or electrically initiated explosive devices. As contained in this document, the test methods and test conditions can be used by manufacturers of ionizers to provide performance data describing their products. Users of ionizers are urged to modify the test methods and test conditions for their specific application in order to qualify ionizers for use, or to make periodic verifications of ionizer performance. The user will decide the extent of the data required for each application. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- the use of contacting plate voltage measurements in addition to the previous non-contacting plate voltage measurements has been added. Charged plate monitors (CPMs) using this technology have been in use in the industry for many years.

Technical committee

TC 101 Electrostatics


Quality Assurance
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2017-01-06



Stability date2024
ISBN number9782832237755
File size1.53 MB
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