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IEC Technical Specification 62600-300

IEC TS 62600-300:2019
Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 300: Electricity producing river energy converters - Power performance assessment
IEC TS 62600-300:2019 provides:
· A systematic methodology for evaluating the power performance of river current energy converters (RECs) that produce electricity for utility scale and localized grids;
· A definition of river energy converter rated capacity and rated water speed;
· A methodology for the production of power curves for the river energy converters in consideration; and
· A framework for the reporting of results.
Exclusions from the scope of this document are as follows:
· RECs that provide forms of energy other than electrical energy unless the other form is an intermediary step that is converted into electricity by the river energy converter;
· Resource assessment, that will be addressed separately in the River Energy Resource Assessment Technical Specification;
· Scaling of any measured or derived results;
· Power quality issues;
· Any type of performance other than power and energy performance; and
· The combined effect of multiple river energy converter arrays.

Technical committee

TC 114 Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters
Publication typeTechnical Specification
Publication date2019-09-12


Stability date2025
ISBN number9782832272930
File size2.58 MB
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