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IEC 60934

IEC 60934:2019
Circuit breakers for equipment (CBE)
IEC 60934:2019 is applicable to mechanical switching devices designed as "circuit‑breakers for equipment" (CBE) for household and similar applications. CBEs according to this document are intended to provide protection to circuits within electrical equipment including its components (e.g. motors, transformers, internal wiring). This document covers also CBEs applicable for protection of electrical equipment in case of undervoltage and/or overvoltage. This document also covers CBEs which are suitable for isolation. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2000, Amendment 1:2007 and Amendment 2:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) clarifications for type testing purposes.
Redline version

All the changes between the new edition and previous edition of the publication are highlighted with track changes mode.


Technical committee

TC 23/SC 23E Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2019-01-30



Stability date2030
ISBN number9782832263914
File size1.88 MB
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