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IEC 62282-3-201

IEC 62282-3-201:2017
Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-201: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Performance test methods for small fuel cell power systems
IEC 62282-3-201:2017 provides test methods for the electrical, thermal and environmental performance of small stationary fuel cell power systems that meet the following criteria:
- rated electric power output of less than 10 kW;
- grid-connected/independent operation or stand-alone operation with single-phase AC output or 3-phase AC output not exceeding 1 000 V, or DC output not exceeding 1 500 V;
- maximum allowable working pressure of less than 0,1 MPa (gauge) for the fuel and oxidant passages;
- gaseous fuel (natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, propane, butane, hydrogen, etc.) or liquid fuel (kerosene, methanol, etc.);
- air as oxidant.
This document describes type tests and their test methods only. This document covers fuel cell power systems whose primary purpose is the production of electric power.
This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: revision of test set-up, revision of measurement instruments, introduction of ramp-up test, introduction of rated operation cycle efficiency, introduction of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test, revision of exhaust gas test, introduction of typical durations of operation cycles.
Consolidated version

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Technical committee

TC 105 Fuel cell technologies


Quality Assurance


Rural electrification - Battery - Energy efficiency - Energy storage
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2017-08-10


Stability date2025
ISBN number9782832246320
File size2.81 MB
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