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IEC 62093

IEC 62093:2022
Photovoltaic system power conversion equipment - Design qualification and type approval
IEC 62093:2022 lays down IEC requirements for the design qualification of power conversion equipment (PCE) suitable for long-term operation in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) systems.
This document covers electronic power conversion equipment intended for use in terrestrial PV applications. The term PCE refers to equipment and components for electronic power conversion of electric power into another kind of electric power with respect to voltage, current, and frequency. This document is suitable for PCE for use in both indoor and outdoor climates as defined in IEC 60721-3-3 and IEC 60721-3-4. Such equipment may include, but is not limited to, grid-tied and off-grid DC-to-AC PCEs, DC-to-DC converters, battery charger converters, and battery charge controllers. This document covers PCE that is connected to PV arrays that do not nominally exceed a maximum circuit voltage of 1 500 V DC.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title modified.
b. This edition focusses on the design qualification of power conversion electronics (PCE), and eliminates the clauses associated with qualification testing of other balance of system components.
c. While many clause titles remain the same as the first edition, substantial changes have been made.
d. Whereas the first edition establishes requirements for the design qualification of balance-of-system components used in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) systems, this edition is limited to power conversion equipment.
e. The test protocols have been changed.
  CHF 320.-

Technical committee

TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems


Quality Assurance


Rural electrification - Solar power - LVDC
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2022-01-10


Stability date2026
ISBN number9782832251850
File size4.66 MB
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