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IEC 60763-2

IEC 60763-2:2007
Specification for laminated pressboard - Part 2: Methods of test
IEC 60763-2:2007 gives methods of test applicable for the material classified in IEC 60763-1. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
The standard has generally been revised editorially and brought into line with IEC 60641-2;
The test method for the determination of the internal ply strength has been replaced with an alternative method; and
The test method for the determination of the thermal resistance has been enlarged in its scope.
  CHF 115.-
Consolidated version

The content of amendment(s) is incorporated into the publication. The track changes mode shows where the publication has been modified by the amendment.


Technical committee

TC 15 Solid electrical insulating materials
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2007-02-15



Stability date2027
ISBN number9782889102877
File size1.02 MB
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