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IEC 60068-2-80

IEC 60068-2-80:2005
Environmental testing - Part 2-80: Tests - Test Fi: Vibration - Mixed mode
IEC 60068-2-80:2005 Intended for general application for testing specimens when simulation is required of vibration excitation of a complex and mixed nature. The purpose of the test is to demonstrate the adequacy of the specimen to resist the specified mixed mode excitation without unacceptable degradation of its functional and/or structural performance. It is particularly useful for tailoring mixed mode environments where measured data are available for the real life environment. The test also helps reveal the accumulated effects of stress induced by random vibration, mixed with sine and/or random, and the resulting mechanical weakness and degradation in specified performances, and to use this information, in conjunction with the relevant specification, to assess the acceptability of specimens. In some cases, this standard may also be used to demonstrate the mechanical robustness of specimens. This standard is applicable to specimens which may be subjected to vibration of a random and/or a combination of random and deterministic nature resulting from transportation or real life environments, for example in aircraft, space vehicles and for items in their transportation container when the latter may be considered as part of the specimen itself. Although primarily intended for electrotechnical specimens, this standard is not restricted to such specimens and may be used in other fields where desired.

Technical committee

TC 104 Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test


Basic Safety
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2005-05-12



Stability date2028
ISBN number2831879671
File size751.03 KB
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