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IEC 61857-1

IEC 61857-1:2008
Electrical insulation systems - Procedures for thermal evaluation - Part 1: General requirements - Low-voltage
IEC 61857-1:2008 specifies a general test procedure for the thermal evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems (EIS) and establishes a procedure that compares the performance of a candidate EIS to that of a reference EIS. This standard is applicable to existing or proposed EIS used in electrotechnical products with an input voltage of up to 1 000 V where the thermal factor is the dominating ageing factor. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2004, and constitutes editorial revisions to make this standard compatible with Parts 21 and 22.

Technical committee

TC 112 Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2008-09-26


Stability date2028
ISBN number9782889105816
File size973.61 KB
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