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IEC 61010-2-040

IEC 61010-2-040:2020
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-040: Particular requirements for sterilizers and washer-disinfectors used to treat medical materials
IEC 61010-2-040:2020 specifies safety requirements for electrical equipment intended for sterilization, washing, and disinfection of medical materials in the medical, veterinary, pharmaceutical and laboratory fields, when used under the environmental conditions of 1.4. Examples of such equipment include the following:
- sterilizers and disinfectors using steam and/or hot water as the sterilant;
- sterilizers and disinfectors using toxic gas, toxic aerosol or toxic vapour as the sterilant;
- sterilizers and disinfectors using hot air or hot inert gas as the sterilant; and
- washer-disinfectors.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- it is established on the basis of the third edition (2010) of IEC 61010‑1 and its Amendment 1 (2016);
- added tolerance for stability of a.c. voltage test equipment to;
- the status of a Group Safety Publication has been removed (this does not change the technical requirements in the document).
Redline version

All the changes between the new edition and previous edition of the publication are highlighted with track changes mode.


Technical committee

TC 66 Safety of measuring, control and laboratory equipment


Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2020-05-14



Stability date2026
ISBN number9782832283011
File size1.46 MB
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