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IEC Technical Specification 62565-5-2

IEC TS 62565-5-2:2022
Nanomanufacturing - Material specifications - Part 5-2: Nano-enabled electrodes of electrochemical capacitors - Blank detail specification
IEC 62565-5-2:2022(E) which is a Technical Specification, establishes a blank detail specification that lists the relevant key control characteristics (KCC) including chemical, physical, structural, and electrochemical characteristics of nano-enabled electrode for electrochemical capacitors. Electrodes of both electric double layer capacitors and pseudo capacitors with nano/ nanostructured materials such as nanoporous activated carbon, graphene, carbon nanotube, carbon black, carbon aerogel, carbon nanomaterial coating collector, etc., are included. For other electrodes, this document can be used for reference.
In addition, this document enables the customer to specify requirements in a standardized manner and to verify through standardized methods that the nano-enabled electrode of the electrochemical capacitors meets the required properties.

Technical committee

TC 113 Nanotechnology for electrotechnical products and systems
Publication typeTechnical Specification
Publication date2022-04-21


Stability date2025
ISBN number9782832200605
File size873.74 KB
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