CISPR Technical Report 16-4-4 Consolidated version
CISPR TR 16-4-4:2007+AMD1:2017+AMD2:2020 CSV
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-4: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Statistics of complaints and a model for the calculation of limits for the protection of radio services
CISPR TR 16-4-4:2007+AMD1:2017+AMD2:2020 contains a recommendation on how to deal with statistics of radio interference complaints. Furthermore it describes the calculation of limits for disturbance field strength and voltage for the measurement on a test site based on models for the distribution of disturbances by radiated and conducted coupling. This second edition of CISPR 16-4-4 contains two thoroughly updated Clauses 4 and 5, compared with its first edition. It also contains, in its new Annex A, values of the classical CISPR mains decoupling factor which were determined by measurements in real low-voltage AC mains grids in the 1960s respectively. This consolidated version consists of the second edition (2007), its amendment 1 (2017) and it amendment 2 (2020). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
CHF 1'450.-
Technical committee
CISPR/CIS/H Limits for the protection of radio servicesCategory
Electromagnetic CompatibilityPublication type | Technical Report |
Publication date | 2020-04-23 |
Edition | 2.2 |
ICS | 33.100.10 33.100.20 |
Stability date | 2025 |
ISBN number | 9782832282618 |
Pages | 268 |
File size | 7.59 MB |
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