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IEC 61400-50-1

IEC 61400-50-1:2022
Wind energy generation systems - Part 50-1: Wind measurement - Application of meteorological mast, nacelle and spinner mounted instruments
IEC 61400-50-1:2022 specifies methods and requirements for the application of instruments to measure wind speed (and related parameters, e.g. wind direction, turbulence intensity). Such measurements are required as an input to some of the evaluation and testing procedures for wind energy and wind turbine technology (e.g. resource evaluation and turbine performance testing) described by other standards in the IEC 61400 series. This document is applicable specifically to the use of wind measurement instruments mounted on meteorological masts, turbine nacelles or turbine spinners which measure the wind at the location at which the instruments are mounted. This document excludes remote sensing devices which measure the wind at some location distant from the location at which the instrument is mounted (e.g. vertical profile or forward facing lidars).

Technical committee

TC 88 Wind energy generation systems
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2022-11-16


Stability date2026
ISBN number9782832259375
File size7.82 MB
  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

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