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IEC Technical Report 62630

IEC TR 62630:2010
Guidance for evaluating exposure from multiple electromagnetic sources
IEC/TR 62630:2010(E) describes exposure evaluation concepts and techniques for the overall exposure level in spatial regions and occupants caused by the simultaneous exposure to multiple narrowband electromagnetic (EM) sources. Throughout this Technical Report, it is assumed that the exposure evaluation occurs under static conditions, i.e., the source position and transmit-mode characteristics (e.g. emitted power, modulation scheme, etc.) of the device(s) under test do not vary significantly over the time required to carry out the evaluation using the chosen evaluation technique (e.g., field measurements). IEC/TR 62630:2010 provides guidance to IEC TC 106 project teams on how to evaluate the combined exposures from multiple electromagnetic (EM) sources in the frequency range 100 kHz to 300 GHz when specific absorption rate (SAR) and equivalent power density (S) are the relevant exposure metrics, as defined by the main international guidelines recommending limits on human exposure to EM fields.

Technical committee

TC 106 Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure
Publication typeTechnical Report
Publication date2010-03-10



Stability date2027
ISBN number9782889107766
File size2.42 MB
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