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IEC 62817

IEC 62817:2014
Photovoltaic systems - Design qualification of solar trackers
IEC 62817:2014 is a design qualification standard applicable to solar trackers for photovoltaic systems, but may be used for trackers in other solar applications. The standard defines test procedures for both key components and for the complete tracker system. In some cases, test procedures describe methods to measure and/or calculate parameters to be reported in the defined tracker specification sheet. In other cases, the test procedure results in a pass/fail criterion. This standard ensures the user of the said tracker that parameters reported in the specification sheet were measured by consistent and accepted industry procedures. The tests with pass/fail criteria are engineered with the purpose of separating tracker designs that are likely to have early failures from those designs that are sound and suitable for use as specified by the manufacturer.
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Technical committee

TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems


Quality Assurance


Rural electrification - Solar power - LVDC
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2014-08-25


Stability date2028
ISBN number9782832218266
File size2.33 MB
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