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IEC 61340-5-3 Commented version

IEC 61340-5-3:2022 CMV
Electrostatics - Part 5-3: Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena - Properties and requirements classification for packaging intended for electrostatic discharge sensitive devices
IEC 61340-5-3:2022 CMV contains both the official standard and its commented version. The commented version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between IEC 61340-5-3:2022 edition 3.0 and the previous IEC 61340-5-3:2015 edition 2.0. Futhermore, comments from IEC TC 101 experts are provided to explain the reasons of the most relevant change.

IEC 61340-5-3:2022 defines the ESD protective packaging properties required to protect ESD sensitive devices (ESDSs) through all phases of production, rework and maintenance, transport and storage. Test methods are referenced to evaluate packaging and packaging materials for these product and material properties. Performance limits are provided.
This document does not address protection from electromagnetic interference (EMI), electromagnetic pulsing (EMP) or protection of electrically initiated explosive materials or devices.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) reference to IEC 61340-4-10 was removed;
b) material resistance property "electrostatic field shielding" was removed;
c) the requirement for electrostatic discharge shielding was changed from 50 nJ to 20 nJ;
d) Table 1 – footnote "b" was changed to mention the two-point probe in IEC 61340-2-3;
e) "shall be marked" was changed to "should be marked" in 7.2.2 and 7.2.3;
f) Table 3 – the classification symbol and the primary function code F was removed;
g) Table A.2 – references to IEC TS 61340-5-4 [2] and IEC TR 61340-5-5 [3] were added;
h) Annex C – guidance regarding electric field shielding was added;
i) Annex D – low charging material property was added.

Technical committee

TC 101 Electrostatics


Quality Assurance
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2022-04-27



Stability date2028
ISBN number9782832249628
File size1.79 MB
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