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IEC 62271-200 Consolidated version

IEC 62271-200:2021+AMD1:2024 CSV
High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 200: AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV
IEC 62271-200:2021+AMD1:2024 CSV is applicable to prefabricated metal‑enclosed switchgear and controlgear assemblies designed for:
- alternating current;
- rated voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV;
- service frequencies up to and including 60 Hz;
- indoor and outdoor installation.
The assembly can include air-insulated and/or fluid-filled compartments.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) clause numbering aligned with IEC 62271‑1:2017, including the adoption of the subclause names of Clause 3;
b) in Clause 3 specific definitions are added for "in service", "normal operating condition" and "normal use";
c) internal arc testing on pole-mounted switchgear is taken out of this document, as it is now covered by the specific standard IEC 62271‑214:2019;
d) a more precise description of earthing circuit is given with the inclusion of ratings and test requirements;
e) number of mechanical tests on interlocks is reduced for type testing; a more precise description of forces to apply during type testing is given (refer to 7.102);
f) resistance measuring on main circuit is only needed before continuous current tests (as reference for routine tests) and no longer needed after this continuous current test. Rationale for this deletion is that this measured resistance does not mean anything; as the temperature rise test was just finished, a new temperature rise test will not give new information;
g) IEC 62271-100:2021, IEC 62271-103:2021, IEC 62271-105:2021 and IEC 62271-106:2021 are referred to in the document;
h) IEC 62271‑107:2019 and IEC IEEE 62271‑37‑013:2015 are also considered in 7.101.2;
i) a more precise description of LSC category is given with the inclusion of an explanatory flowchart (Annex D);
j) examples not covered by the IAC test are transferred from Clause 6 to 9.103;
k) the term "assembly" is defined in Clause 3 and used as synonym for "metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear" in this document;
l) "metallic" is replaced by "metal" where applicable;
m) 6.105 is now covered by 7.7;
n) a 1 s rule was introduced for Criterion 4 during IAC tests regarding hot gases versus glowing particles as cause of ignition;
o) a more precise description of internal arc tests for switchgear with protrusions is given in Annex A.

Technical committee

TC 17/SC 17C Assemblies


Environment - Quality Assurance - Safety
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2024-06-27


Stability date2031
ISBN number9782832293492
File size3.63 MB
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