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IEC 62788-7-3 Consolidated version

IEC 62788-7-3:2022+AMD1:2024 CSV
Measurement procedures for materials used in photovoltaic modules - Part 7-3: Accelerated stress tests - Methods of abrasion of PV module external surfaces
IEC 62788-7-3:2022+AMD1:2024 CSV defines the test methods that can be used for evaluating the abrasion of materials and coatings in photovoltaic modules or other solar devices. This document may be applied to components on the incident surface (including coatings, frontsheet, and glass) as well as the back surface (including backsheets or back glass). This document is intended to address abrasion of PV module surfaces and any coatings present using representative specimens (e.g. which can be centimetres in size); the methods and apparatus used here can also be used on PV module specimens (e.g. meters in size).

Technical committee

TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems


Quality Assurance
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2024-07-31


Stability date2030
ISBN number9782832295069
File size1.03 MB
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