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IEC 60092-353 Revised

IEC 60092-353:2016
Electrical installations in ships - Part 353: Power cables for rated voltages 1 kV and 3 kV
IEC 60092-353:2016 is applicable to shipboard and offshore non radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation, having a voltage rating of 0,6/1 (1,2) kV or 1,8/3 (3,6) kV intended for fixed installations. Cables designed to maintain circuit integrity during fire are included. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document. The object of this document is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability is ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4,
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety, and
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- updated references to IEC 60092-350 for general construction and test methods and IEC 60092-360 for insulating and sheathing materials.
A more recent version of this publication exists: IEC 60092-353:2024 RLV

Technical committee

TC 18/SC 18A Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units


Transportation - Mobility
Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2016-09-19



Stability date2024
ISBN number9782832236239
File size1.31 MB
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