IEC 62714-2:2022 

Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering - Automation Markup Language - Part 2: Semantics libraries


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IEC 62714-2:2022 specifies normative as well as informative AML libraries for the modelling of engineering information for the exchange between engineering tools in the plant automation area by means of AML. Moreover, it presents additional user-defined libraries as an example. Its provisions apply to the export;import applications of related tools.
This part of IEC 62714 specifies AML role class libraries and the usage of AML attributes to represent semantic information. Role classes provide semantics to AML objects, attribute types provide semantics to AML attributes. The association of role classes to AML objects or attribute types to AML attributes represent the possibility to add (also external) semantic information to it. By associating a role class to an AML object or an attribute type to an AML attribute, it gets semantic information. This part of IEC 62714 does not define details of the data exchange procedure or implementation requirements for the import;export tools.

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Additional information

Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2022-10-20
Available language(s)English/French
TC/SCTC 65/SC 65E - Devices and integration in enterprise systemsrss
ICS25.040.40 - Industrial process measurement and control
35.060 - Languages used in information technology
35.240.50 - IT applications in industry
Stability date  2026
File size5758 KB

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