IEC 63461:2024 

Pelton hydraulic turbines - Model acceptance tests


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IEC 63461:2024 applies to laboratory model tests of any type of Pelton hydraulic turbine with unit power greater than 5 MW. It contains the rules governing test conduct and provides measures to be taken if any phase of the tests is disputed.
The main objectives of this document are:
- to define the terms and quantities used;
- to specify methods of testing and of measuring the quantities involved, in order to ascertain the hydraulic performance of the model;
- to specify the methods of computation of results and of comparison with guarantees;
- to determine if the contract guarantees that fall within the scope of this document have been fulfilled;
- and to define the extent, content and structure of the final report.
Full application of the procedures herein described is not generally justified for machines with smaller power. Nevertheless, this document can be used for such machines by agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.

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Additional information

Publication typeInternational Standard
Publication date2024-06-28
Available language(s)English/French
TC/SCTC 4 - Hydraulic turbinesrss
ICS27.140 - Hydraulic energy engineering
Stability date  2026
File size10072 KB

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