IEC TS 63134:2020+AMD1:2022 CSV 
Consolidated version

Active Assisted Living (AAL) use cases


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IEC TS 63134:2020+AMD1:2022 identifies AAL scenarios and use cases based on real-world applications and requirements. The use cases provide a practical context for considerations of interoperability and standards based on user experience. Use cases provide a context for utilizing existing standards and identifying further standardization work. User requirements have also been identified. This document also highlights potential areas for standardization in the AAL environment to ensure safety, security, privacy, ease of operation, performance and interoperability. Lastly, this document is a contribution to the IEC use case management repository, the purpose of which is to collect, administer, maintain, and analyse use cases.

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Additional information

Publication typeTechnical Specification
Publication date2022-12-01
Available language(s)English
TC/SCSyC AAL - Active Assisted Livingrss
ICS11.020 - Medical sciences and health care facilities in general
11.020.99 - Other standards related to health care in general
11.180 - Aids for disabled or handicapped persons
Stability date  2024
File size9054 KB

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